June 11, 2009

WoJ Blog Candy!!!!!!!!!

Thanks everyone for playing along with me!!!

This Candy is now Closed!!!! Scroll up to see who was the winner!!!

As promised, I am back with my Blog candy featuring a beautiful stamp from the Whiff of Joy Women's Delight Collection that will be released on June 14th!

The stamp that Katharina so generously donated for my blog candy is
Willow as sitting Bride!!!!!
Scrappy Cat Flourish stamps
EK Success Border punch
American Crafts ribbon and other ribbon
K&Co. Que Sera Sera small paper pad and Adhesive Gems
Prima Flowers
So what do you have to do to enter this yummy blog candy!?
1. Leave a comment in the post!
2. if you aren't already following my blog that would be great if you did but not required!
3. Spread the word on your blog if you can but also not required!
We don't have a lot of time on this Candy just a few days! Please Enter by June 14th Midnight my time!!!!
I will announce the randomly selected winner on Monday June 15th!!!!
Big Hugs,


  1. Blog candy worth waiting for! Love, Love, Love your cards!

  2. WOW awesome blog candy Tara! I love your style and all your lovely cards! I'll post in the sidebar on my blog. Have a lovely day! ♥Dawn♥

  3. Fabulous candy! I subscribe to your blog through Google Reader so I don't miss a post! Thank you for the chance to win!

  4. That is some great WoJ + candy you are offering. I have linked your candy in my sidebar to spread the word. Love your blog and inspiration.
    Rachel B

  5. Such yummy candy Tara - thanks for the chance to win.

  6. woow your candy is so gorgeous
    i will spread the word.

    hugs Annemarie

  7. Wow - such a lovely candy!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!!
    Hugs, Bente

  8. Gorgeous candy Tara and thanks for the chance to win this. I've added a link onto my sidebar. Hugs Michele x

  9. I couldn't resist entering this one T - your candy is so yummy and I love everything! Thanks for giving us all the chance to win this stash and good luck to everyone! I've added a link to my sidebar already ;o) xx

  10. wow tara lovely candy, alreaddy are a follower! and most deffinately will spread the word!


  11. What lovely candy! Thanks for the chance to win! I'm adding you to the candy jar in the sidebar of my blog.

  12. What a great candy. Thanks for the chance to win.

  13. Lovely candy, thank you for a generous giveaway.link is on my side bar.

  14. Hi Tara!
    Wow... wow... wow gorgeous candy, Thanks for the chance to enter.
    The new whiff of joy stamps look great, i'm looking foward to the release day.
    I will put a link in my Candy Bar for you xx

    Fern xx

  15. Wahoo!! I'd love to win since I don't have any WoJo stamps (yet) and I'm always inspired by your creations. I follow your blog on Google Reader so I'm always 'in the know'!

  16. wow fantastic candy Tara, I have left a link on my blog.

  17. Wow, lovely blog candy. I'm already and follower and I've put a link to the candy on my blog.
    Clare x

  18. Great candy! The new collection is absolutely fabulous! Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  19. Fabulous blog candy Tara!! I do subscribe in Google reader already and have posted a pict and link on my sidebar!!


    Hugs, Kelly

  20. Fabulous blog candy Tara! Your card is so sweet. Thank you for the chance to win.
    I linked your candy in my sidebar. http://fifishobby.blogspot.com/
    Hugs Fifi.

  21. Really love your creations, thanks for the chance to win all that loveliness :)

    XOXO Mika

  22. Waw so gorgeous candy, would love to win it! I became your follower and linked you on my blog! Hugs, moni

  23. What a great candy give away Tara..

    How was your class the other night?
    I wanted to attend but had a conflicting appointment..hopefully you have a repeat..

    Have a great day.

  24. YUM YUM YUM!
    I love the stamps they are all so beautiful!

  25. oh these new whiff of joy are the best ones yet.

    Thank you so much for the chance of winning. Great fun - I'll advertise on my sidebar for you.

    Ann xxx

  26. Wonderful Candy! Love your blog...thanks for sharing.

  27. Gorgeous candy, here's keeping everything crossed. Thanks for the chance to win. You're all linked up on my sidebar! Jillix

  28. Great Blog-candy. Would love to have the chance to win this cute stamp and goddies. Love you blog!

  29. Oooh look at all that delish candy, thanks hun for the chance to win you are too kind!
    Hugs Tab xxx

  30. wow what incredible candy...how wonderful of you to offer it...I have linked on my blog xxx

  31. Wow - very nice Blog Candy!!!! Love your Cherish card. It is so soft and pretty.

  32. I am a follower and love your work.
    Thank you for the chance to win the candy is wonderful.

  33. I follow your posts through Google reader. And I check it everyday! Your cards are absolutely stunning!! I do not have a blog, but maybe someday. And I would love to win your candy.
    Thanks so much for the chance!

  34. Thanks for all your cards and inspiration! :) crossing my fingers for the blog candy...it looks yummy!

  35. your work is beautiful! I'm here from Kim G's blog. Your candy is delish...somebody is going to have LOTS of fun!

  36. Hi Tara! I would love to be entered into your draw. I just recently found your blog and think your creations are amazing. You're very talented! Keep up the great work =) Oh, I have become a follower but I don't have a blog =/ Thanks!

  37. Woo-Hoo!!! What fantastic candy you have hun!!! As you know I love your blog and your work hun! Thanks for the chance to win some yummy goodies! I'm crossing my fingers, eyes, toes, legs, arms (I guess anything that I can cross) that I win! LOL! Thanks again hun!
    Hugs~ Kim

  38. Love your blog...I'd link it on mine, but it's so brand new it wouldn't get you any hits, LOL! I have added it to my favourites though...

  39. I'm already a follower of your Wonderful Blog and Gorgeous creations!!...I've linked your Fabuous candy on my sidebar...TFS!!..Hugs, Ila

  40. mmmmmm yummie what a lovely candy!
    I am already a follower of your blog big hug

  41. Great candy you are offering.
    I have become a follower and have of course linked you to my blog.

  42. Fab candy, ive added you to my blog :)

    Thanks, Em xxx

  43. WOW!!! Thanks for sharing this lovely candy!! Someone, somewhere will be very happy with it...I can only dream it's me!! :)

    Sweet greetings,
    Saskia :)

    **the candy is on my blog, at the 'candy-bar'**

  44. woooow wonderful Candy! is love the new Whiff of Joy stamps!
    Your cards are very nice!
    I hope I have luck!

    thanks, hugs Jane

  45. Woooow so gorgeous candy, would love to win it!!!
    I became your follower and linked you on my blog!



  46. What fantastic candy Tara ! Thank you for giving the opportunity to win such scrummy goodies !

    I have put a photo on my blog and a link and I've been a follower for ages !!!


    Jo xxx

  47. Oh look at all that yummy delish blog candy! You have been doing a fabulous job with the WOJ stamps, Tara! Good on ya!

  48. WOW AWESOME CANDY!!! I am going to put a link on my CANDY BAR right now.... love your blog.

  49. Oh Tara, such lovely and very generous blog candy, thank you for the chance to win and I've added a link in my sidebar. Hugs, Chris xx

  50. Hi Tara,
    What a lovely candy! I have put a link and a picture to your candy on my sidebar.
    Thanks for the chance to win. :-)
    Succes with your blog
    Hugs, Anne-Marije (Netherlands)

  51. hiya what amazing candy, ive gladly become a follower, and will post your candy on my blog,
    thanks sandra xxx

  52. Hi.
    I don´t have a blog, but thanks for the chance to enter anyway :-)
    And -yes, it is a yummy blog candy.. would love to win..
    /Tina F.

  53. Hi Tara
    You have a great blog. You also have a yummy blog candy. I'm now one of your canadian follower. I don't have a blog but I'll tell my friends about yours. Thanks for a chance to win!

  54. I almost missed! I hope to be the lucky one! Thanks Tara your work is beautiful! xoxo, Milla :)

  55. Hi Tara.........thanks for the candy, your blog is amazing and god job for the creations, sorry my english is bad;( congrulations and hugs, kisses from Bogotà; Colombia

  56. OOh Tara thanks ever so much for the chane to win this, its magnificent, I love your blog you are ever so talented off to link you again to my blog thanks love and hgugies June xxxxx

  57. wow Tara fab candy.would love to enter your draw.

    Vicki (kraftykatz)

  58. Oh- fabby candy! I'd love to win this! Fingers crossed!

    I've added a link on my blog and I'm already a follower!


  59. Oh WOW WOW WOW !! fab blog candy i have linked to my blog.

    Hi Toronto!! would love to be there!

    Hugs di xxx

  60. Wow Tara fab blog awsome creations am now a follower, fab candy on offer, will put a piccy link in my side bar, thanks for the chance to win.

    hugs Christine xx

  61. An absolutely fabulous candy Tara! I just adore these new WOJ images. This bride Willow would be fantastic to win since I have a few friends getting married this summer. Thank you so much for the chance!

  62. You have absolutely outdone yourself, your new WOJ stamps are amazing, can't wait for Sunday,the bride is outstanding, colors, amazing, Love your website, love your colors, and thanks for the opportunity for the WOJ candy, Jan

  63. oh my, I'm drooling here lol
    Fabby candy Tara, thanks for the chance to win
    Anne x

  64. just love your cards, your website
    visit it as often as i can. don't
    ever stop. thanks for the chance!

  65. Fabulous candy, Tara! Thanks so muh for a chance to win! I added the link in my sidebar and I'm a follower.


  66. love your blog
    wow what an amazing giveaway
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed I might win
    and yup I come often = love your creations

  67. Hola Tara, me anoto a tu candy te posteo en mi blog, recibe un abrazo desde México.

  68. Hi Tara, what a beautiful name my second oldest name is Tara. Next your blog candy is simple great. Your blog is also interesting.

    My blog is http://www.grantinfavors.blogspot.com/

  69. Il love your blog !
    The new collection is fabulous!

    Here's my blog :

  70. Awsome Blog Candy. Thanks for the chance to win it Tara!!! Great job on the Cards love them as always.

  71. Hello! What's a candy! Thanks for a chance to win!


  72. hallo!wonderful Candy! thanks for the chance to win!!!


  73. Wow Tara! Beautiful cards and fabo blog candy! Thanks so much for the chance to win it!!!

  74. Such a lovely Candy - thanks for the chance to win.
    Here is my post announcing the release.
    Hugs, Anne -:)

  75. Wow - first visit to your blog - love your designs!

    Would be great to win the blog candy but great to just visit anyway.


  76. Wow Tara, what a gorgeous candy!! It really looks amazing.. Thank you so much much for the chance!
    Your cards are very beautiful, so I'm your newest follower! :)
    X, Ava

  77. What a grear candy Tara!
    I would love to be the Winner of this one :)
    You make wonderful cards, and i am new follower.
    Have a great weekend!
    Regards Anita

  78. Hi,
    I don't have a blog, but come here on a regular basis to see what more wonderful creations you have!
    Thank-you so much for the chance to win such wonderful candy.
    Keep well,
    Traceylou xx xx

  79. Hi! I heard of your blogging candy through another crafting blog. Took a look around your site...your cards are beautiful!

  80. Love your cards! And what a terrific blog candy!

  81. Fabulous blog, Tara! Terrific blog candy too. I love the coloring that you do on your stamped images. Beautiful work! I am linking your blog candy to my blog candy roll. Thank you for the chance! xx jane


  82. Although not an official "follower" (I haven't yet figured out all this blog stuff yet), I have been more of a stalker for the past little while. Your work is beautiful... I have already placed an order for most of the new wedding releases (patience is NOT one of my virtues), but perhaps if I am lucky enough to win this, I can email Katharina to substitute for another (I want them ALL, but it's easier to smuggle in a few at a time, LOL!)

  83. Wow, what a fab Card. Wonderful Image and the Coloring is just perfect.

    I have posted your Candy on the Sidebar on my


  84. FAB Candy! I have just joined your followers and I am off to post about your candy on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win. Caroline x

  85. Hi Tara,
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    I have put a link on my blog! :)
    Love, Georgia xx

  86. Wow what fantastic candy

    thanks for the chance to win

    Francesca x

    thanks for the chance at winning your candy

  88. Wow what candy i sure could give it a good home .Thanks for the chance to win .have linked to candy jar
    thanks judex

  89. It would be so great to win your candy! It's delicious!

    Leonie xx

  90. great candy! and i am now a follower of your lovely blog. where are you in Ontario? i'm a niagara gal myself, transplanted in new jersey! missing my timmy's though, that's for sure!

    have linked your fab candy on my blog. have a great weekend! :)


  91. Cute stamps - sweet candy. Thanks for the chance to win!
    I linked your candy on my blog (sidebar) with a picture and I become your follower. Thanks for the chance to win this candy!
    Hugs, Andreja

  92. Cute stamps - sweet candy. Thanks for the chance to win!
    I linked your candy on my blog (sidebar) with a picture and I become your follower. Thanks for the chance to win this candy!
    Hugs, Andreja

  93. I don't have a blog, but if I did I would post your site on it. I enjoy seeing what you do on it. Your cards are so pretty.
