November 18, 2008

CCT # 36 Red and Green....Tilda caught peeking,giggle!!!

Here is another card, from my Christmas card making marathon, last weekend. It just so happens to meet the required challenge of Red and Green for challenge # 36 at Cute Card Thursday! Although, the embossed strip is look more grey than green in this pic. I guess it is a grayish green and not a really a true Christmas green...but I think it still works!!!

Well, I haven't bought any of the new Magnolia Christmas stamps and my winter stamp club set hasn't arrived yet. Oh how I wish, I could have every new adorable Magnolia stamp that comes out but, unfortunately, I'm not independently wealthy, ha! So, I guess I need to try and use some restraint, lol!!! I thought I could still use some of my other Magnolia stamps on my Christmas cards, if I just got a little creative!

So, I thought laughing Tilda looks like she just got caught peeking at her Christmas gifts. The Kelly Panacci Christmas stamp set from last year had the perfect sentiment to go with this idea.

I used a QK embossing die called curls on the middle strip of paper. I sanded the paper a little and added some metallic rub-ons to it too.I coloured Tilda with my Copic and I also used my Twinkling H20's to add a little more depth and a subtle twinkle to the image. I am really loving how the H2O's look over the glad I gave this a try,YAY!!!!

Well, it is another quick post tonight!!! I am really trying not to ramble on endless and state the obvious, in a attempt to keep my posts a little shorter!

Thanks for stopping by and having a wee peek, *giggle*!


  1. Stunning card, love the sketch and the stamps works great with the christmas theme.

  2. oooh divine card, loving the colour combo and layout! Really stunning, love it! :0)
    Tab xxx

  3. She's a cheeky little poppet! I think she works wonderfully on a Christmas card. Well done another work of art!

    Mrs W x

  4. what a beuaty. I love how you have coloured her. i really like your embossed background..looks so textured and the sentiment is perfect!
    Lovely card!
    Judy x

  5. sorry I should have checked my spelling on the last post! I mean what a BEAUTY!

  6. Gorgeous card. Love the images and the colours you used. Michele x

  7. Oh this is gorgeous, great image and papers, thanks for joining in the CCT challenge

  8. Fabulous card Tara! I love how you've been creative using your older stamps, I'm the same not independently wealthy and have very few stamps from each Company LOL! The sentiment is absolutely perfect, I think this one of the most beautiful Christmas cards I've seen so far. Beautiful work. Chris x

  9. WOW....Fabulous card, Tara!!!!
    Lovely colours used and details.
    Love your image so perfectly coloured.
    Hugs, Mumur

  10. Cute card Tara as always! Tons of warm hugs from a rainy Sweden, Anki

  11. Absolutely stunning!
    LOve the paper you chose, the colors, the layering the details...and your coloring work is amazing.
    Love your blog....the music i so fun to stamp to. :O)

  12. Stunning card! There is something for you on my blog x

  13. This is fantastic Tara, I think that the giggling tilda works brilliantly on your christmas card, well done. hugs rachxx

  14. Hey T, thanks for stopping by, it was lovely to hear from you! I'm like you this week, totally whacked out, plus I'm sitting at work right now with a muzzy head and slightly blurry vision, hoping that it doesn't lead to the dreaded poorly head we both know and love!! I sooooo shouldn't be sat at a computer should I?!!
    Love your card, how inspired to use giggling Tilda this way, she looks ready to dive into those presents at any moment, great idea!
    Take care, hugs T xxxx

  15. Gorgeous card Tara, love it, especially your colouring.
    When I got this Tilda I thought she was yawning not giggling and put her ia a bed, derrr (Lol)
    hugs Heather xx

  16. Luv your cute card! Where did you buy the no peeking sentiment stamp? I would luv to buy it.


  17. Hi Tara,

    Thx for the lovely compliments :o) I didn't realize you were in Canada until you said your got the stamp from a store in Barrie. It's too bad the store does not have shopping online so that I could buy the stamp from them, that is if they still have it. I'm new to stamping and card making. I just started collecting stamps. I mainly create scrapbook layouts and paper piecings. Nice meeting a fellow canadian. I look forward to seeing more of your lovely creations. Have a fab weekend!


  18. Oh if you don't mind I'm gonna add your blog to my link for blogs to visit and places to shop :o)


  19. Woohoo...I just found the stamp set on Ebay :o) Thx for your help and thx for adding me also.


  20. Hi Tara,

    What cardstock do you use to stamp your images onto?


  21. I also use Memento ink when using my Copics. Right now I have only tried the cheaper white 12x12 cardstock from Micheals. Do you buy the Georgia Pacific cardstock from the US Walmart website and they ship it to you?

  22. There's a Walmart a few blocks from where I live so I will have to check it out and see if they carry the Wausau cardstock. I will have to check next time I go. Right now I've only tried the Copic markers on The Paper Company cardstock that I bought from Micheals. Thx for all your help! I will drop by your friends blog and see how her results turned out.

